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Lexy Nuesch Horsemanship | Nebraska Horse Trainer | LNH Logo

clinic Schedule

We're currently do not have any clinic dates for 2024.

Stay tuned for 2025!

Our clinics are more than just training sessions; they are immersive, transformative experiences designed for riders who are dedicated and willing to invest in their horsemanship education.

At LNH, we believe there's great power in shared learning. Our clinics cultivate a vibrant group learning environment where participants encourage, inspire, and learn from each other. This unique setting allows you to engage in meaningful conversations, share insights, and collectively overcome the challenges that accompany mastering the art of horsemanship.

We offer a diverse range of clinic topics tailored to the needs of the modern horsemen & women. Whether it's mastering the basics of groundwork, refining your riding skills, conquering the trail/obstacle course, or participating in our specialized confidence-building sessions, our clinics are designed to enhance both the rider's and the horse's skills. 

Embrace this journey with us and witness how we turn the phrase "unlock your horse's potential" into an achievable reality.

Interested in hosting a Clinic?

There is nothing like the experience you get from working alongside knowledgable and caring instructors during an in-person clinic. We proudly offer single and multi-day clinics on the following topics: Body Control, Ranch Riding, Ranch Versatility, Trail Obstacles, In-Hand Obstacle, and Introduction to Cattle Work.


LNH Horsemanship Clinics

Where Dedicated Riders Unlock Their Horses' Potential

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