FOUNDAtion Groundwork & riding Clinic
March 22-23, Council Bluffs, Iowa
Are you Ready to Unlock Your Horse's Potential?
Unlock the potential of your horsemanship journey with this clinic tailored for green riders (ages 14 & up), young horses, and committed students seeking to fortify their foundation.
Mastering Groundwork: Build a seamless transition from ground to saddle, fostering a deeper bond with your horse.
Desensitization: Learn techniques to help your horse stay calm and focused in any situation.
Build a Solid Foundation: Gain skills that translate into better riding and control, setting the stage for future advancement.

Unlock Your Horse's Potential & Improve Your Horse's Softness & Responsiveness
Ready to unlock the full potential of your partnership with your horse? Join us in Council Bluffs, IA this May for our Foundation Groundwork & Riding Clinic – where real progress meets a deeper understanding & connection.
At the heart of our clinic lies a commitment to helping horses become softer, more responsive, and ultimately, better partners for their riders. Through a carefully curated curriculum of groundwork and foundation riding exercises, participants will learn how to unlock their horse's true potential while honing their own abilities to read and develop a feel with their equine companions.
Our clinic isn't about flashy buzzwords – it's about tangible results you can see and feel. Through practical exercises in groundwork and riding, you'll learn how to help your horse become softer, more responsive, and ultimately, a better teammate. From mastering the basics like yielding and flexing to refining your riding skills for better control and confidence, you'll gain the tools you need to succeed in the arena and beyond.
It's important to note that problems may not be fixed overnight, but this clinic will equip you with lasting tools to take home and implement with any horse. You'll leave with a deeper understanding of your horse and the confidence to handle any challenge that comes your way.
Whether you're a green rider (ages 14 & up), a dedicated student of horsemanship, or the owner of a young horse (though this isn't a colt starting clinic), this clinic is for you. We'll meet you where you are and help you progress on your horsemanship journey, one step at a time.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with fellow horse enthusiasts. Space is limited, so reserve your spot today and take the first step towards a stronger, more fulfilling partnership with your horse. Sign up now and let's make real progress together!

Here's what Past Clinic Attendees Had to say!
I attended the Groundwork/Confidence Building clinic and absolutely loved it! This was my first experience with groundwork and Lexy was so knowledgeable and patient. She explained/modeled everything and then took the time to individually help anyone who need it. She was open to any and all questions. It was a great day and I'm looking forward to attending more of her clinics in the future!
- Samantha
My daughter and I attended one of Lexy’s clinics for a weekend last summer. It was packed full of great information and hands-on experience. She was so very patient with my daughter and her new pony (She had just brought home two weeks before the clinic). We learned a ton, had an extraordinarily good time, and will definitely look to attend another one this year. Additionally, I have a horse on the waiting list for Lexy to train in 2020. She is so methodical in her training that I would trust a horse trained by her any day.
- Brenda
I can't say enough good things about Lexy's clinic. My daughter Sammy is 12 years old and Lexy was so good with her. Lexy took time to explain each exercise, showed us with her own horse how to do it, and then worked individually with each participant and their horse. She made sure we all understood and were able to have our horses do what was asked, before moving on to the next exercise. If you ever get a chance to participate in this clinic, I highly recommend it. Thank you Lexy!!
- Dawn
Clinic Cost: $500
Each participant may bring parents (if under 18) or one "coach" at no additional cost
Spectator Fee: $85/day OR $150 for both (Spectators need not pre-register)
Limited to 5 Participants
Registration Deadline March 10th
Clinic Host Information
Brenda Sedlak • (402) 672-1451
20841 Cardinal Lane
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
Stalls & Pens (limited availability) – $20
Electrical Hookups – $10/night
(Contact Brenda to reserve your stalls/hookups)
Snack Shack available on site for lunch

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I visit my horse while he/she is in training?Yes. We highly encourage owner involvement while your horse is in training. So much so that we offer lessons for FREE while your horse is in training. We only ask that you schedule your visits with us as our schedule has us tending to many responsibilities.
How can I get help with my horse after I have taken them home from training?Owner involvement during training is of the utmost importance to us. Therefore, ALL LESSONS are FREE while your horse is in training with us! THEN, after you head home, we welcome you to join us at a clinic, schedule private lessons, or join the LNH "Unlock Your Horse's Potential" Academy to continue your progress with your horse.
Who is your veterinarian?For general health care & for emergencies, we utilize Sandhills Animal Health Center, located 19 miles down the road from us. For lameness, reproduction, and other needs that require a vet, we call on Dr. Brad Johnson of Norfolk Veterinary Clinic. We maintain a strong working relationship as well as friendship with each of our veterinarians.
Can I watch Lexy work horses before I commit to sending my own?Yes. We have an open-door policy for those wanting to come and see the facility and horses, as well as watch Lexy work horses. This goes for not just those looking to send a horse into training, but for anyone! The only thing we ask is that you schedule your visits with us before arriving at our ranch. While this is our place of business, it is also our home where we enjoy our privacy; we will not work with anybody who shows up unannounced.
How many days per week will my horse get worked?Our horses in training are worked a minimum of 5 times per week, weather permitting.
How much turn out will my horse get?For the first few days to the first week, your horse may be penned by themselves as we make sure they are not going to show any signs of sickness. Once your horse is settled in, they will get turned out with 1-4 appropriate pen mates. Depending on the conditions & time of year, horses are kept in a dry lot with 24/7 access to a large round grass bale in a HayChix hay net or turned out on pasture. If conditions allow, we offer maximum turn out to our horses, weather dependent. When weather is optimal, horses could receive 20-22 hours of turn out, the other time consisting of being worked & fed.
Do I need to provide any equipment for my horse?No, we have all of the equipment that we’ll need to train your horse. However, you're welcome to provide a fly mask, fly boots, &/or fly sheet during fly season or a turnout blanket during the cooler months.
How would you describe your ‘training program’?Lexy Nuesch Horsemanship is not your average training program. Our ‘program’ is based on each horse, its needs, & your goals. We work with your horse from where they are each day with those goals in mind. Our goal is for your horse to leave more confident, relaxed, supple, responsive, & mentally willing & in better physical & mental condition not only due to our training program, but also thanks to our unique nutrition & horse health program. Lexy strongly believes in the importance of a strong foundation, building understanding & confidence through a wide variety of experiences, & maintaining owner involvement throughout the education process. We make no guarantees as to how far your horse will progress during your time with us, but we DO guarantee that we will do our very best to help your horse progress with your goals in mind. Throughout their time with us, the particulars of what we do with your horse will most certainly be geared towards your long-term goals. Arena work is valuable as it helps a horse become more mentally malleable, but we believe in building purpose outside of the arena. Therefore, we get out and work up and down hills, go through water crossings, push cattle, cross bridges, investigate ‘scary’ objects, open gates, & more. So whether you’ve got a young horse to be started or restarted, a ranch horse, reiner, barrel horse, trail horse, or any other discipline, we’ve got the tools and knowledge to help you & your horse & look forward to the opportunity to work together.
If an emergency happens can you haul my horse to the vet?Yes. Sandhills Animal Health Center is just 19 miles away. We have a great working relationship with Dr. Stephens, & our trailer is readily available in case of an emergency.
Why do you use Hay Nets?Horses naturally graze for 17 hours per day on average. We offer maximum turn out to our horses as long as the conditions & time of year allow. When our horses are dry lotted, they still need access to forage. We use Hay Chix Hay Nets to keep our horses grazing even if they are not on pasture. These nets are paired with Century Horse Feeders (safe for horses with shoes). From large round bale nets that lengthen the time their hay lasts while not decreasing their intake to nets used while horses are tied, we have a solution to keep your horses grazing around the clock. One of the prominent reasons we love these hay nets, besides reducing waste, is that they help promote a healthy gut. Having hay in their stomach around the clock decreases the risk of ulcers, particularly in horses that are in work.
How long, each day, will my horse get worked?"On average, our horses receive a minimum of 1 hour dedicated to progressing their education each day. Some days their session(s) could last greater than 2 hours, while others may be 45 minutes. We consider the time you are paying for, but our focus is on your horse's education. The time they need each day varies, & we know horses have no concept of an agenda. Also, our education goes beyond their 'sessions.' We take the time to work with them when they are getting groomed, being washed, etc. While those opportunities might seem minute at first glance, they are substantial to your horse's education & encourage positive habits, behavior, & understandings.
My horse has a spooking problem. Can you fix it?Lexy has worked successfully with a plethora of horses both on the ground & under saddle with ‘spooking’ issues. Often, we find horses are lacking confidence more than anything or are experiencing a pain-related issue. While some horses may have confidence issues with specific objects such as bridges, tarps, flags, etc., some are naturally more wary & unsure. The best way we know to help these horses, after being checked out by Jennifer Day Smith of Knotty Equine, is to build their confidence.
Who is your farrier?Lexy trims all of the horses in training with us. Horses in training are put on a 4-8 week trimming schedule. When Lexy is not working horses on the weekends, she can often be found in Northeast Nebraska working on some of her 25+ trimming client horses.
Can I provide my horse’s own grain and supplements?No. We have developed a nutrition program around our hay & Dove Performance Nutrition products that works with our training program. The grass hay that is fed to your horse is grown right here on the ranch. We provide alfalfa in the form of Dove Performance Nutrition's AlfaLux alfalfa cubes & feed their "Better than the Best" Magnify, a forage-based high-fat concentrate feed, & Oh-Mega-Goodness (OMG), a high-fat flaxseed-based supplement. Because we are located in the great SANDhills of Nebraska, horses receive a monthly dose of Psyllium. We will make sure your horse is taken care of like a champion, from bone & joint supplements to gut health/ulcer prevention & relief! EXCEPTION: If your horse is on a veterinarian-prescribed supplement, such as for soundness or necessary for maintaining a healthy life, we can undoubtedly tailor to these needs.
If I visit, will I get to watch my horse in work?"Yes. With enough notice, we can arrange our training horses' schedule to make sure you can see your horse at work during your visit.
Will you consign/advertise my horse while in training if I’d like to sell them?Yes. We offer sales and consignment services to owners with horses in training. For more information regarding these services, don't hesitate to contact us for more info!
Can I take lessons with my horse while they are in training?Yes! We highly encourage owner involvement while your horse is in training. In fact ALL LESSONS ARE FREE while your horse is in training!
How many horses do you work with at a time?Currently, Lexy doesn't like to take on any more than six horses at a time, and we refuse to cheapen our work to put quantity over quality. Because of that, training spots are limited & are often booked six months to a year or more in advance.
Is your program based on calendar days or days of work?The Lexy Nuesch Horsemanship Program is based on days of work over calendar days. Horses are required to receive 90 days of work & are expected to stay for at least 120 days to reach that point. Progress can be made a little quicker once a foundation is in place should your horse be chosen to continue into the Intermediate/Advanced phases of the Lexy Nuesch Horsemanship Program.
Do you accept stallions?Yes.
Do you offer discounts for multiple horses in training?No.
Do you accept horses for less than 90 days?No, I typically don't. Horses needing groundwork or young horses attending groundwork bootcamp can be exceptions, but horses being started or needing work under saddle are typically not accepted for less than 90 days. We're not producing 30, or even 60-day wonders here at Lexy Nuesch Horsemanship. If you want things done quick, cheap, & not necessarily well, there are plenty of people who will buck'em out for $500 a month. Just remember, you get what you pay for.
Do you have a minimum number of days that you'll take a horse on for?Yes. All horses are required to receive 90 days of work, not just stay for 90 calendar days. Horses are required to stay for at least 120 calendar days to account for days of rest & inclement weather.
What do I need to do with my horse before sending them to you for training?Documents Needed: Current Coggins. Current Vaccination Record (within the last six months). 14-Day Health Certificate with horse's temperature noted. 1 Month Before Arrival: Have your farrier trim your horse, if possible. Assess your horse's gut health (checking for the possibility of ulcers or other gut health-related issues) & treat if necessary.
GroundworkDesensitization to Lead Rope, Stick & String, Plastic Bags, etc. Yielding the Hindquarters Yielding the Forequarters Backing Flexing the Head & Neck Lunging Stage 1 & 2 Sending Circle Driving Leading Beside
RidingStands to be Saddled Willingly Accepts the Bridle Stands to be Mounted Lateral Flexion One Rein Stops Cruise Control Yielding the Hindquarters Bend at a Walk Bending Transitions Backing Be Willfully Guided at Walk/Trot/Lope Vertical Flexion at a Standstill, Backing, Stop, & Start at the Walk/Trot Stop Off of Two Reins from Walk/Trot/Lope Sidepass Shoulder In/Out Start of a Turnaround
Round PenDirection Control Speed Control Hooking On/Drawing Turns to the Inside
Day to Day Handling & ManagementGood to Catch Leads willingly & with awareness Picks up all 4 feet Loads into trailer Stands quietly when tied
Where is the clinic being held?20841 Cardinal Lane Council Bluffs, IA 51503 Contact: Brenda Sedlak • (402) 672-1451
How do I prepare my horse for the clinic?Maintaining your regular riding routine leading up to the clinic is recommended. If your horse is accustomed to a consistent workout schedule, they'll be in good shape to participate. If you have any concerns, please reach out so we can provide personalized advice.
Will there be accommodations for horses and riders?Yes, the clinic host will have a limited number of stalls & pens for horses and electrical hookups for trailers. Space is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact our host, Brenda Sedlak, at (402) 672-1451 for more details and to secure your accommodations.
Can family members or friends attend to watch the clinic?Yes, spectators are welcome to watch the clinic from designated viewing areas. Each participant may bring either their parents (if under 18) or one "coach" at no additional cost. For other guests, there is a spectator fee of $85 per day or $150 for both days. Spectators do not need to pre-register but can pay upon arrival.
How long is the clinic, and what is the daily schedule?The clinic is a two-day event, running from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM. Each day includes an hour & 15 minute lunch break & additional short breaks throughout the day. Expect to dedicate the first day to groundwork and the second day to riding exercises.
What level of experience is required to participate in the clinic?Our clinic welcomes riders and horses from a variety of skill levels; however, there are a few prerequisites to ensure the safety and progress of all participants. While we focus on foundational work beneficial to both novices and seasoned riders, it is essential that you and your horse have a basic level of experience. Your horse should be started under saddle and be reasonably comfortable and confident walking, trotting, and cantering in a group setting. Riders should have basic riding skills and be able to manage their horses at these gaits. Please note that this is not a colt-starting clinic, nor is it designed to teach complete beginners how to ride from scratch. The aim is to enhance and build upon the skills you and your horse already possess, to develop a deeper partnership and improve your performance in the saddle. Age Recommendation: We strongly recommend this clinic for participants aged 14 and up. The concepts discussed and the length of the clinic sessions require a significant attention span, which may be challenging for younger riders. If you're unsure whether this clinic is suitable for your current level or your child's level, please reach out to us with details and we can provide personalized advice.
Can I audit the clinic if I am not participating with a horse?Absolutely! Auditors are welcome at our clinic. If you're interested in learning without participating with a horse, auditing is a great option. The fee is $85 per day or $150 for both days, which grants you access to all sessions. This is an excellent opportunity to observe and absorb the techniques and strategies being taught.
What happens in case of bad weather?The clinic will proceed rain or shine. The host facilities are equipped with an indoor arena, which will allow us to continue our sessions comfortably in poor weather conditions, ensuring that your learning experience remains uninterrupted.
Can I bring more than one horse to this clinic?For the maximum benefit of both you and your horse, we ask that you bring only one horse to this clinic. The curriculum is carefully designed to deepen your understanding of horsemanship concepts between you and your horse through consistent and focused practice. The foundational groundwork and riding exercises we will be covering are best "mastered" when you can dedicate your full attention to the nuances and progress of a single horse. Attempting to split your focus between multiple horses could dilute the quality of your experience and hinder your ability to fully absorb and apply the techniques taught. We want to ensure that you leave the clinic having made significant strides in your horsemanship and that your horse has had the opportunity to integrate the training effectively. Rest assured, the intensive nature of this clinic means that you will be engaged and active throughout, making the most of your time with us. Our goal is for you to walk away with a clear sense of understanding and tangible tools to take home & put into practice as you continue progressing on your horsemanship journey.
What should I bring with me to the clinic?To ensure you have everything needed for a successful clinic experience, please bring the following: Your horse, of course! 😉 Tack: Saddle, bridle, and your usual riding equipment. Mandatory Gear: It is essential to bring specific items to maximize the effectiveness of the exercises at this clinic: Rope Halter: Stiff with 4 knots, no nylon or leather halters. Purchase here Lead Rope: 14-15 ft long, no 22 ft lunge lines. Purchase here Halter/Lead Combo: Purchase here Snaffle Bit: O or D-ring preferred. My preference can be purchased here Training Stick & String: No lunge whips. Purchase here Mecate Rein/Slobber Strap Setup (Optional, but preferred over barrel or roping-style reins) : Reins here (22 ft recommended for a standard size horse) and Slobber Straps here Personal Items: Weather-appropriate clothing, water, and snacks for your comfort. Special Offer: Use code "Lexy2019" at Ridge Creek Tack to receive a 10% discount on your order. Ensure you are prepared with these specific items in advance, as they are crucial for the clinic's activities. If you need to purchase any gear, please visit the links provided.
Is there a registration deadline for the clinic?Yes, participants must register by March 10th to ensure a spot in the clinic. Late registrations will be accepted based on availability.
Will there be follow-up support after the clinic?Absolutely! We are committed to supporting your continued horsemanship journey beyond the clinic. We offer both in-person and virtual lessons tailored to your needs. Additionally, you can explore deeper learning opportunities through the LNH "Unlock Your Horse's Potential" Academy, which includes customized lesson plans and more. For an immersive experience, consider joining us for one of our Horsemanship Ranch Retreats at Lexy's ranch. Each option is designed to extend and enhance your skills and relationship with your horse.
Are meals provided during the clinic?There will be a Snack Shack on-site for concessions (recommended). There are also several local dining options a short drive into Council Bluffs.
What is the maximum number of participants allowed in the clinic?To ensure each participant receives quality instruction and personalized attention, we limit the clinic to just 5 participants. This small group size allows for an intimate setting where each rider and horse can receive the focused guidance and support they need to excel without being crowded. NOTE: We will keep a waitlist & if the weather looks like it will allow us to be in the larger outdoor arena as the clinic dates get closer, we will open registration to allow 7-8 participants.