This week TR had a bit better week than last week. We worked on Bend at the Walk, Down & Around, Vertical Flexion at the Standstill, Walk, & Trot, Bending with Vertical, Shoulder In/Out, Stopping & Backing, Turnarounds, Yielding the HQ, & Circle N Circle, which is a great exercise that encompasses many of the individual exercises.
He's been riding out through the pastures & down the gravel roads pretty nicely. He will occasionally spook in place but overall doesn't get too terribly worried about things.
Next week, we'll continue to chip away & refine these exercises as well as continue to spend time outside of the arena. I'm also going to begin working on my Run Up & Rub exercise, which will help prepare him for calf roping.
- Lexy Nuesch
Next week's update will be posted on Saturday.
I do my best to get these updates posted in a timely manner, but it's not uncommon for me to be outside until after dark, depending on the weather, my schedule, & who gets worked when so updates will sometimes be posted quite late in the evening. Don't be alarmed if you don't see your update right away. In rare cases, I may have to push them until the next morning, but I'll reach out & let you know if so.