Wishing you a Happy New Year as we roll into 2024!
Following the Christmas storm that started on Sunday & lasted through Wednesday, we spent our time playing in the snow & with the sled on the ground. Hero has done well with the sled once he got past giving it the side eye & could really care less at this point. I'm able to turn him away from the sled & let him feel the rope come across his hip & he's fairly unbothered. Next week, I hope to be back in the saddle. If possible, we may spend a few days back in the round pen before moving to the round pen or riding near the trailer if it's not too icy.
- Lexy Nuesch
Next week's update will be posted on Saturday.
I do my best to get these updates posted in a timely manner, but it's not uncommon for me to be outside until after dark, depending on the weather, my schedule, & who gets worked when so updates will sometimes be posted quite late in the evening. Don't be alarmed if you don't see your update right away. In rare cases, I may have to push them until the next morning, but I'll reach out & let you know if so.