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Lexy Nuesch Horsemanship | Nebraska Horse Trainer | LNH Logo

Cricket: June 16

A big week for Cricket between her introduction to the snaffle bit & her first lesson with August!

This week, we've continued to ride in the arena, working on moving out, stopping, & steering. While she does still have a few little tense moments still, I'm quite pleased with Cricket at this stage. She's fingertip light during most of the ride. That's not something that many horses will offer this early.

We also introduced the snaffle bit. To do this, she stood tied at the end of our rides for a couple of days with the snaffle bit in. Then, she began to carry it during our pre-ride groundwork. Today, I began to introduce asking her to flex with the snaffle bit & that went well.

It was fun to work with August & Cricket during their first lesson. I look forward to seeing them progress together!

Next week, we'll begin riding in the snaffle bit.

- Lexy Nuesch


Next week's update will be posted on Friday.

I do my best to get these updates posted in a timely manner, but it's not uncommon for me to be outside until after dark, depending on the weather, my schedule, & who gets worked when so updates will sometimes be posted quite late in the evening. Don't be alarmed if you don't see your update right away. In rare cases, I may have to push them until the next morning, but I'll reach out & let you know if so.


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